Outdoor Education
PhenoCulture Wisconsin, LLC can help make the most of your property- no matter how small
Click here to find out a little more about Peter Watts as a Person of Earth
RiverLab Outdoor Education Area
This area is approximately nine acres across from Riverside Middle School and has about 900 feet of river shoreline
Peter has been involved with keeping this property 'undevoloped' since 1991
RiverLab is now endowed with a lovely ~75’ x ~200’ native prairie installation
We are currently pursuing getting permission from the city and fire department to allow a controlled burn of the prairie
Without this vital step in prairie maintenance, the prairie ecosystem is incomplete
The middle school construction class built the 8'x 8' boardwalk sections and pylons
RiverLab's 150’ boardwalk through wetlands hosts an observation deck
and bench seating for 60 all built without using school district funding
Students investigate the telltale signs that beavers have moved into the area
RiverLab has also become the nesting site of returning Sandhill cranes
This nine+ acre parcel was slated to be sold off for revenue in a struggling district. We were able to save it by creating an outdoor classroom. Now students can explore, observe wildlife within the city limits and learn the importance of stewardship
Wetland areas like this provide so much more than recreational - or even learning - space
These riparian lowlands help control flooding in the city by giving rising waters a place to go and hold onto that moisture in times of drought
This particular wetland is fed by virtually every storm drain on the school property and that water is naturally cleaned by cattails, river willow and other native species before being discharged into Rock River
Tapping trees to make syrup leads to a little 'tree hugging'
Outdoor learning is another facet of education that is incredibly important and too often overlooked
Recent Google Earth screenshot of the boardwalk
The bench area and some of the prairie
Aerial view of the RMSG
We developed a more formal learning area in our 7000 square foot garden, complete with a 10'x 20' pergola and Leopold benches
Classroom Extensions
As part of a summer school course called "How to be a Localvore", we offered small group tours of our home gardens
*We'd love to host Homeschooling groups and other small groups
We teach students how to make pickles, sparkling lemonade, pesto - and we top it off with a nice snack of grilled zucchini
©2023 PhenoCultureWisconsin